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 5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique

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Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

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Age : 66
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique Empty
MessageSujet: 5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique   5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique EmptyLun 12 Aoû - 19:07:52

5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique Logo_top


Citation :
For the first time in Poland - Nordic Walking World Championships! Sports and recreational event of nordic walking held under the Honorary Patronage of the Ministry of Sportand Tourism. Everybody can take part in the event! We would like to invite especially children beginning with those at the age of one!  The event will last 2 days.

On the first day(5 October) participants will compete on the CROSS routes – 300 m or 10 km, or 20 km at choice. The competition will take place in Jakuszyce. On the second day (6 October) participants will take part in the HILL competition- going uphill on Szrenica.

Playerswill be awarded in each age category. The organizer (Polish Association of Nordic Walking) has also prepared a lot of surprises - tours (including the tour to the European Parliament) and  prizes from sponsors.

The partner ofthe event is the ‘Bieg Pastów’ Association (The Race of Piasts Association) and Szklarska Poręba City.  Join us! Nordic Walking - walk with us!
le nom de l'événement est ambitieux, mais c'est une compétition open ayant pour but de promouvoir la marche nordique

extraits du règlement:
Citation :

The aim of the competition is to promote Nordic Walking as a health promoting physical activity and sport for everybody, including people at different age and with different social backgrounds.

The event is open.Each participant may compete in one of the selected distances. Every single participant may start in CROSS competition (one selected distance) and HILL competition.
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5-6 octobre 2013: championnats du monde de marche nordique
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