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 Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013

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2 participants
Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3297
Age : 65
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013   Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 EmptyLun 20 Mai - 16:31:32

Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Corae_12
Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Corae_13
en réponse à une demande de renseignements plus complets:
Citation :
1) 1st Ulsan Challenge 132 km Walking. - Date: 7th(Sat), September, 2013. - 8th(Sun). 2 days. ; On the web page, it says that the event will be held at 7th, December. But the date is changed so the fixed date is 7th, September. - Time: 23:30. 6th(Fri), September, 2013. - Place: Riverside of the Tae Hwa river in Ulsan. - Entry Fee: Pendency - Course: Total 132 km The first day's course is 72 km and you have to come to the finish line in 15 HOURS. The second day's course is 60 km and you must get in to the final line in 12 HOURS. Between the days, there is break time. ’ The first day, at midnight(12 o'clock), you can start and have to come until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and then get a sleep and take a rest. The second day, at midnight(12 o'clock), you will walk and must get in until noon, 12 o'clock. ; This Friday and Saturday (5.17 - 18), walking experts will have firsthand experience of courses. After that the detail of the plan and schedule will be fixed.
mise en forme non conforme à celle d'origine

Dernière édition par skywalker le Mer 11 Sep - 11:23:34, édité 1 fois
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Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3297
Age : 65
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013   Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 EmptyLun 20 Mai - 16:32:57

et ça se passe là (côte Sud de la Corée du Sud): Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Corae_11
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Sebastien Hassevelde
Sebastien Hassevelde

Nombre de messages : 1467
Age : 47
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2005

Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013   Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 EmptyLun 20 Mai - 18:08:45

Ca va, c'est pas trop loin... Wink
Ah dommage, j'ai piscine ce jour-là...pfffff.... lol!
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Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013   Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013 Empty

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Ulsan Challenge (Corée Sud) 132km Walking: 7 sept 2013
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