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 The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011

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2 participants
Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3298
Age : 66
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

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MessageSujet: The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011   The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 EmptyLun 24 Oct - 11:05:58

The Big Walk à Cape Town (Afrique du Sud): 13 novembre 2011

80, 50, 35, 20 km chronométrés ou 13, 12, 11, 10, 5 non chronométrés; C'est que de la marche!

inscriptions limitées à 30.000! inscriptions closes le 31 octobre

(Un peu tard peut-être pour cette année, mais l'événement a lieu tous les ans; Pour ceux qui préféreraient le soleil d'Afrique du Sud à la pluie de novembre!)

frais d'inscriptions: 50 Rand pour le 80km (11Rand = 1 Euro)


carte du parcours:

avec barrières horaires: pour le 80km le délai est de 12h45 et il y a une barrière horaire avant la fin.

bulletn d'inscription :

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 SupermanThe Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Teen
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Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3298
Age : 66
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011   The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 EmptyJeu 17 Nov - 11:36:30

Quelques articles de presse sur l'édition 2011 de la Big Walk de Cape Town

Pour les non anglicistes (il y a aussi le lien internet et l'option trad Google) je résume:

Une édition avec une météo capricieuse (giboulées de pluie et grêle; à cette saison c'est le printemps là bas) mais avec quand même plus de 30.000 participants.
Victoire sur le 80km marche athlétique de l'anglais Robbie Callister de l' Île de Man en 8h54' et de Bernadette Eales chez les femmes (temps?)
Les résultats complets ne sont pas encore diponibles.
The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 674344393
Foreigner wins the Big Walk

November 14 2011 at 11:03am


A crowd of participants and their families dance along with GoodHope FM's Carl Wastie while being showered by light rain during the entertainment period as walkers completed their trek. Photo: Michael Walker

Barbara Maregele

FOR the first time in 20 years, a foreigner has won first place in the 80km walk for men in the Discovery Cape Times Big Walk, and a Johannesburger took the female section.

With a record time of eight hours and 54 minutes, Robbie Callister, 56, from the Isle of Man, participated in his first Discovery Cape Times Big Walk, which started at St George’s Grammar School in Mowbray at 3.45am yesterday.

Women’s winner Bernadette Eales was second overall for the 80km.

Callister said: “The rain was coming down heavy when we started and the strong winds made certain parts of the walk uncomfortable. I was invited over by some friends to do the race because I do a lot of road races back home. I have won the 136km walking race back home five times already, but I still enjoyed this one.”

Callister said he enjoyed the friendly encouragement by fellow walkers along the route.

the first guy doing the 80km to come in, they started cheering me on and clapping, which was amazing. It was a bit flat for me, but it was just as tough as the ones back home.”

Eales said: “At some point it was hailing and raining a lot, but I guess the overcast weather made the race a bit easier. I train with Run/Walk for Life, we have a lot of races like the Comrades and City to City.”

The 42-year-old veterinarian said she couldn’t believe how well she had done since she last took part in 2008.

“I had been training very hard for this race doing about 60-80km a week, but I never thought I would actually win my division.”

First established in 1903 by Spartan and Harriers athletics club, the race has since become South Africa’s oldest and Cape Town’s biggest annual sporting event.

Despite the heavy rainfall and strong south-easterly winds, about 22 000 walkers out of the 36 509 who registered strolled, power-walked and shuffled along 10 routes ranging from 5km to 80km in support of charities which included the Steenberg Foundation and the Breast Cancer Fundraisers and Nazareth House.

The oldest participant was 86-year-old Cecily Rootenberg and the youngest ranged from three months.

Event organiser Tania Carolus said: “Two years ago we had rainfall worse than this event. When I arrived at the 10km and 12km people were dancing in the rain with their children.

“We still had a crowd of people standing in front of the stage watching while it was pouring.”

Carolus said the weather would always be a challenge for big events.

By the time most of the walkers had crossed the finish line, race medical officer Basil Bonner said the medical centre had treated 118 people.

“We had no major injuries reported, but we are still waiting for feedback from two sent to hospital for diabetic and cardiac-related treatments.”

Last year, more R1 million was raised, and organisers expected the same success this year.
The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Iomdclogo
Robbie Callister makes race walking history in Capetown's biggest sporting event

Date Posted: 15/Nov/2011 13:30
By: Bill Dale

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 1
Robbie Callister makes race walking history in Capetown's biggest sporting event
ISLE of Man race walking legend Robbie Callister has made headline news in South Africa by becoming the first competitor from outside the country in 20 years to win Capetown’s most important walking event of the year.

Callister, five times winner of the Parish Walk, won the Discovery Cape Times Big Walk at the weekend, achieving major coverage in the Cape Times newspaper.

He also won the 80km race in a record breaking time in his first attempt at the event, having been invited to compete by race walking friends.

Callister said after his win, ““The rain was coming down heavily when we started and the strong winds made certain parts of the walk uncomfortable.

“I was invited over by some friends to do the race because I do a lot of road races back home. I have won the 136km walking race back home five times already, but I still enjoyed this one.”

He said he enjoyed the friendly encouragement by fellow walkers along the route. “They started cheering me on and clapping, which was amazing. The course was a bit flat for me, but it was just as tough as the ones back home.”

First established in 1903 by Spartan and Harriers athletics club, the race has since become South Africa’s oldest and Cape Town’s biggest annual sporting event.

It is similar in many ways to the Parish Walk in that it is chiefly a community event, having a huge number of starters. Many walkers wear fancy dress and the majority raise funds for charities. It attracts walkers of all ages - the oldest participant was 86-year-old Cecily Rootenberg and the youngest three months.

Despite the heavy rainfall and strong south-easterly winds, about 22,000 walkers out of the 36,509 who registered strolled, power-walked and shuffled along 10 routes ranging from 5km to 80km in support of charities which included the Steenberg Foundation and the Breast Cancer Fundraisers and Nazareth House.

Event organiser Tania Carolus said, “Two years ago we had rainfall worse than this event. When I arrived at the 10km and 12km people were dancing in the rain with their children.

“We still had a crowd of people standing in front of the stage watching while it was pouring.”

Robbie Callister has been travelling outside of the UK to take part in walking festivals for some years and is a regular visitor to northern Spain where he has walked in non-competitive events for several years, normally in the late spring and not long before the Parish Walk.

After retiring in this year’s Parish Walk, he said that did not intend to take part in the event again. Perhaps his performance in South Africa at the weekend will change his mind.
The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 4114118017
Thousands of people braved rain and hail to take part in the Discovery Cape Time Big Walk.

Race organiser Tania Carolus said about 37 000 walkers had been expected to take part but only about 80 percent of them arrived.

“It was a bit challenging when you’re thrown a curve ball of having four seasons in one day, but most entrants braved the weather,” Carolus said.

Participants entered to walk 10 routes. Starting from Cape Town to Simon’s Town, the 80km walk kicked off at 3.45am. Other distances were 50km, 30km, 25km, 20km, 13km, 12km, 11km, 10km, and 5km.

Funds raised are to be given to charities including Cansa, Nazareth House and The Steenberg Foundation.

Walkers were entertained by comedians David Isaacs, Oscar Petersen, Stuart Taylor and Kurt Schoonraad. Everyone who crossed the finish line received a medal.

Dernière édition par skywalker le Sam 19 Nov - 19:09:45, édité 1 fois
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Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3298
Age : 66
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011   The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 EmptySam 19 Nov - 19:07:58

Les résultats de l'édition 2011:
The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Bigwalk-logo

61 finishers sur le 80km (1er masc: 8h54'16", 1ère fém. et 2ème au scratch: 9h26'52")

302 sur le 50km

Et en tout plus de 30.000 participants
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Expert cybermarcheur
Expert cybermarcheur

Nombre de messages : 3298
Age : 66
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2009

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011   The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 EmptySam 19 Nov - 19:22:45

quelques photos:

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Event_wc_big_walk_crowd

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Event_wc_big_walk_bridge

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Event_wc_big_walk_gp_lighthouse

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 1__50_-62-600-450-80

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 1__102_-84-600-450-80

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 2__8_-100-600-450-80

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 3__84_-160-600-450-80

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 4__48_-170-600-450-80
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marcheur marcheur
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Expert cybermarcheur
marcheur marcheur

Nombre de messages : 2327
Age : 57
Date d'inscription : 04/12/2005

The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011   The Big Walk (80km) à Cape Town (SA): 13/11/2011 EmptySam 19 Nov - 21:07:10

ça donne envie d'y aller !!!
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